Currently Reading #4

City Of Heavenly Fire (Final Book: The Mortal Instruments)


“I am coming.”

Darkness returns to the Shadowhunter world. As their society falls apart around them, Clary, Jace, Simon and their friends must band together to fight the greatest evil the Nephilim have ever faced: Clary’s own brother. Nothing in the world can defeat him — must they journey to another world to find the chance? Lives will be lost, love sacrificed, and the whole world changed in the sixth and last installment of the Mortal Instruments series!


At long last. Finally. Finalmente. Enfin. It is here. Ha! Ha! I've waited so long for this. So long that I nearly fainted when I got my hands on the book. Yeah. I've gone loony for this is my favorite series after Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. I can't contain my happiness. Have I mentioned that I am super happy? Ha! Ha! This is madness at its finest! I think I'm already on the 8th chapter and I'm really loving every bit of it. In fact, I've never had an eight hours sleep from the day I started reading this and that's how thrilled I am apparently. 😊

I'd sworn that I won't read reviews about this, but yes, I did. It's earning a lot of good reviews thus far:

I love the writing in this book. It is amazing and so well done. And the world. I love reading about the Shadowhunters. They will always be a favorite of mine. I love everything about this series. Because it is amazing. Sure, the early books had some things I disliked, but this book? This book gave me all the love. -- Carina Olsen

Holy Crap, this book is AWESOME! Like legitimate the BEST book in the series... Completely fell in love once again with the characters, this book, this book! It will make you laugh, cry, make you confused, scream in terror and in delight and most of all make you Fangirl! recommend to EVERYONE. If you haven't read this series you should as this book was AMAZING! In my opinion even CLARY way less annoying than in the other books. And that's saying something. --Lowri

A really appropriate end to this series. I love how it tied up stories from the clockwork series and set up her next set of novels. She has done a great job tying the characters together. Less hormonally charged, but Clary and Jace have developed into an awesome team in this book. Big fan :) -- Kristine Beck

Those are just some of the awesome reviews I've read from Goodreads and of course you can't please everyone so there are still readers who found the book.. err.. not good?

What's really sad, is that I wanted so desperately to love it. Every paged I was like "yes" but it was a pretence. Sure, it had some good moments. I think Alec really shone in this book. But something felt missing. Jace and Clary's relationship was dull. And the ending was simply a people's pleaser. If anything this book was more of a prologue for her next series, as she bought in characters that had no real significance to the story. Alas, I was severely disappointed. -- Lizzie

I really don't get why people like these books. The writing doesn't draw you in, the main character is a Mary Sue, there's too much info dumping, and the roots of these books were plagiarized. The ID books were more original, I'm sure they're better. If you loved these books so much, how did you do it? How were you invested in the story? What was so good about it? -- Sabrina N.

That's about it. I don't want to comment about those readers who didn't appreciate the book. Perhaps, it's not that perfect, I agree, but come on the series is a kick ass. Teehee! Anyway, I'm still excited to finish the book and really looking forward to more series from Cassandra Clare. Book review to follow. Happy reading to me! 😃


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